Monday 10 February 2014

Backing up Data

Backup, before it’s too late!

By Naveed Siraj

Everyday we’re working on something new or saving some new memory to our hard disk. What happens if you lose all your documents, photos and files? It’s important to have a backup of your most valuable files, the ones you can’t just re-install.

There are several options but before we get into them, we suggest always having multiple backups. Having a cycle of two or three different backups is usually a good idea.

Windows Backup

You can use the native backup function in Windows operating system. To begin, go to the Control Panel. Open the ‘Backup and Restore Center’ and decide where you wish to store the files. Once you have the desired location such as a recovery partition on your hard disk, select which files to back up. Assign a schedule to your backup so Windows will know how often to perform the task.

Manual Backup

This method requires you to physically copy everything onto an external hard disk or DVD. Simply copy the files you wish to backup and paste them into the media you are planning to use. It’s less precise than using ‘Windows Backup and Restore’ but it allows you to mix and match what you wish to save.

Online Storage

This is a newer method of saving your data. Upload your data to the Internet and you can access it anywhere with an Internet connection. Currently there are several free online storage solutions available. The most popular is currently ‘Dropbox’. Open an account and you’ll enjoy free storage up to several gigabytes. An advantage to online storage is being able to continue working anywhere, especially when paired with an Ultrabook™, perfect for a mobile office.

If you have a large media collection or work from a home office, the importance of backing up your data cannot be understated. If you are looking to upgrade your computer, discover what Intel® technology has to offer media buffs and smart workers.

Naveed Siraj is the Country Manager for Intel Pakistan.

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